1. What is Business Intelligence and Analytics?

In today’s era of big data, marketing is increasingly affected by data. How to correctly quantify data, find and analyze its implied information and use it intelligently has become indispensable competitiveness for the future. We provide systematic BI and analytical data management tools that allow you to understand the current state of your organization and business and provide insights to help you make better decisions!

2. Why is it needed? What are the benefits?

With the rise of Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things, the information gathered from IoT-connected devices, combined with Lean methodologies, can take Lean to a new level, including user experiences and perceptions of various products and services, which can be quickly obtained user feedback to provide unprecedented opportunities for a variety of applications for improving manufacturing processes and reducing waste!

3. Our advantage?

With the growing popularity of cross-domain and cross-device marketing, for BI and analytics tools to work most effectively, data stored in multiple disparate systems must be centralized, not isolated in data silos. Businesses and organizations need a way to evaluate performance from a higher perspective, and we have software and technology experts from different fields to help you centralize data through IoT and AI to comply with lean, six sigma and design thinking. Ways to let data go beyond its value and help you better manage your business!

4. How will you use it?