Our Services

Business Lifecycle

1. Customers

How to improve market positioning?
Who are the customers? What do they want?

Most of the time, we focus so much on business processes that we lose sight of the most important part of the business – the customer. As customer dynamics and industries are constantly changing, we can help you better understand your customer’s needs (both internal and external) by facilitating customer journeys and blueprint. In this way, we shift to the customer’s perspective in order to gain a clear understanding of how customers think, behave, and feel throughout their experience with your company. Thereby, making the experience more seamless and satisfying.

2. Process Design and Mapping

What is the current process? What does the customer of the process need?

Most undocumented process can lead to undesirable results, waste data, and are not easily automated. We can help you create a detailed process documentation to help employees fully understand how specific processes affect upstream and downstream processes,  and identify value added and non-value added activities to streamline redundant processes for maximum efficiency

Whether launching or redesigning flawed processes, our team can help you design processes according to Six Sigma and Lean methodologies and identify potential risks and issues before they occur.

Business Lifecycle

3. Process Implementation

Who will own the new process? How do we measure results? Are they consistent with what we want to achieve?

By combining key technologies such as AI/ML, IoT, Big Data Analytics, and software and hardware solutions, we can help you develop tools to automate your processes to save time, prevent defects, and save cost.

By combining key technologies such as AI/ML, IoT, Big Data Analytics, and software and hardware solutions, we can help you develop tools to automate your processes to save time, prevent defects, and save cost.

5. Products and Services

What do we want to achieve? What is really important? Why do we do this?

Whether you are trying to come up with a new product, process, or service, we offer design thinking, lean methodologies, and design sprint workshops to design with an accurate understanding of the market, and help you find the optimum solutions to realize your vision with highest efficiency.

4. Process Improvement

What is the current process like? How well do employees understand the current processes? How to adapt the process to present business needs?

A Six Sigma project can be intimidating at first, but we cannot ignore the fact that it provides good results. Therefore, we have developed a simplified approach to help companies adapt to the Six Sigma approach. With our Six Sigma Master Black Belts and Black Belt consultants, we can help you run a full Six Sigma project or consulting specific stages for improving processes, reducing defects, and improving efficiency

5. Products and Services

What do we want to achieve? What is really important? Why do we do this?

Whether you are trying to come up with a new product, process, or service, we offer design thinking, lean methodologies, and design sprint workshops to design with an accurate understanding of the market, and help you find the optimum solutions to realize your vision with highest efficiency.

Improve business strategy to create value for customers!